Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Two Weeks Today

Sorry I have been MIA for weeks. So much has happened since my last posting.

We had our baby shower on April 28th, 2012 (pics to come in future postings).

And then, we had our baby girl on May 16th, 2012. Such a beautiful sound when I heard her cry. Of course, pics to come after as well.

And here we are today. May 30th. 2 weeks since our little Evie was born. How much she has changed and grown within that time frame. And to be honest, it's sort of a bittersweet moment. I want her to stay like this forever but at the same time I can't wait for her to grow up and be able to do things with her, such as going outside for walks, enjoying ice cream together, go fishing with her daddy, taking family vacations together, etc.

But for now, I will enjoy and endure our alone time during her feeding at 3 am because I know she will eventually sleep through the night, and what bonding time will we have left?

Happy 2 weeks baby girl! (& 2 more weeks to go before we are officially done with our 30 day quarantine!)