Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cheers to the New Year.

yes, i am a little late with this. i've been busy enjoying and watching Evie grow each day. her personality is starting to show more each day, & she is one of the funniest lil girl i know around this side of town. i can't believe she is 8.5 months old now. where has the time gone?

so, Christmas came and went. boy, did Evie get a lot of toys. we could probably open up a toy store with all of the goodies she received.

i am now a stay-at-home mom (well for the time being at least)...& am going to enjoy as much of Evie as i can. i can't wait to take her to parks & playdates. to music playgroups. to spending time with her & watch her grow & learn.

i'll be back. soon.