Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cheers to the New Year.

yes, i am a little late with this. i've been busy enjoying and watching Evie grow each day. her personality is starting to show more each day, & she is one of the funniest lil girl i know around this side of town. i can't believe she is 8.5 months old now. where has the time gone?

so, Christmas came and went. boy, did Evie get a lot of toys. we could probably open up a toy store with all of the goodies she received.

i am now a stay-at-home mom (well for the time being at least)...& am going to enjoy as much of Evie as i can. i can't wait to take her to parks & playdates. to music playgroups. to spending time with her & watch her grow & learn.

i'll be back. soon.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Gone Too Long

i apologize for being gone for so long (okay, a month but still...). i have been having too much fun with evie and been busy with work and home improvements. i will be back soon. i promise.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Evie's 4 Month Birthday

a lot has happened since my last blog post. evie turned 4 months, and to help her celebrate it, we went apple picking at Shelburne Orchards. it was the perfect day for apple picking too. the weather was warm. the sun was out. evie enjoyed it and towards the last 15 minutes, she started to get tired and fussy. so, we called it a day, paid for our apples and left. but wait a min...we had to return back to the orchards because we forgot the apple cider donuts! after that, we left the orchards for good.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Truffle Fries?

have you ever tried truffle fries? i haven't, and i must say they are divine. but i still love my regular old fries with a lot of salt on it. this past weekend my friend and i ventured out to this cute bistro on the corner of church st. and bank st. my friend had a burger with truffle fries, where i had a tomato, mozzarella, basil sandwich with a side of green salad and truffle fries. i was stuffed. as i said earlier, the truffle fries were divine.

Friday, August 31, 2012

End of Summer

When the fair comes into town, that's a sign that summer is coming to an end. But that's okay in my book because i love FALL! i can't wait to hit up the orchards for apple picking, taking Evie to her first pumpkin patch (oh, & it will be my first time too), dressing Evie up in her first Halloween costume and all the fun stuff that involves fall.

It is a little sad that L & i will not be going to the fair this year though. It's where we had our FIRST date! Oh, i remember that night oh so well. We had some corn dogs and fries. Lemonade and fried dough. He played a game and won me a doll.

We decided to skip out this year because we felt it wasn't a place for Evie to go to yet. It will be the first time in 12 years that i will be missing out. Maybe next year, fair, maybe next year.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

S'mores, Please!

Today is National Marshmallow Toasting Day!  Um, wait...what? There's a day for that? Oh yeah, and that. And that, too.

But the question is how am i celebrating this awesome day? With lots of ooey gooey-ness.  Graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate. Yep, with s'mores. And you can bet i did have more than just one.

Oh, did i  mention that while i was microwaving heating up my marshmallow, that it got this BIG? Oh yeah it did.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Be Right Back

I'll be back soon. Just adjusting and managing my time between going back to work and hanging out with the fam bam. Oh, and healing at the same time (I had two teeth extracted!).