Friday, August 31, 2012

End of Summer

When the fair comes into town, that's a sign that summer is coming to an end. But that's okay in my book because i love FALL! i can't wait to hit up the orchards for apple picking, taking Evie to her first pumpkin patch (oh, & it will be my first time too), dressing Evie up in her first Halloween costume and all the fun stuff that involves fall.

It is a little sad that L & i will not be going to the fair this year though. It's where we had our FIRST date! Oh, i remember that night oh so well. We had some corn dogs and fries. Lemonade and fried dough. He played a game and won me a doll.

We decided to skip out this year because we felt it wasn't a place for Evie to go to yet. It will be the first time in 12 years that i will be missing out. Maybe next year, fair, maybe next year.


  1. I love fall too! You have so many things to look forward to. I'm sure the fair will be even better next year and Evie will enjoy it even more : )

  2. Thanks, Katherine! i agree, the fair next year will be a lot better with Evie.
