Friday, August 31, 2012

End of Summer

When the fair comes into town, that's a sign that summer is coming to an end. But that's okay in my book because i love FALL! i can't wait to hit up the orchards for apple picking, taking Evie to her first pumpkin patch (oh, & it will be my first time too), dressing Evie up in her first Halloween costume and all the fun stuff that involves fall.

It is a little sad that L & i will not be going to the fair this year though. It's where we had our FIRST date! Oh, i remember that night oh so well. We had some corn dogs and fries. Lemonade and fried dough. He played a game and won me a doll.

We decided to skip out this year because we felt it wasn't a place for Evie to go to yet. It will be the first time in 12 years that i will be missing out. Maybe next year, fair, maybe next year.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

S'mores, Please!

Today is National Marshmallow Toasting Day!  Um, wait...what? There's a day for that? Oh yeah, and that. And that, too.

But the question is how am i celebrating this awesome day? With lots of ooey gooey-ness.  Graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate. Yep, with s'mores. And you can bet i did have more than just one.

Oh, did i  mention that while i was microwaving heating up my marshmallow, that it got this BIG? Oh yeah it did.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Be Right Back

I'll be back soon. Just adjusting and managing my time between going back to work and hanging out with the fam bam. Oh, and healing at the same time (I had two teeth extracted!).

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bear's Survival Kit

We have a lot of nicknames for Evie. i mean A LOT! And Bear happens to be one of them.

So, it only made sense for us to go blueberry picking at Sam Mazza's farm today. The weather was perfect. There was a slight breeze. And Bear was sleeping very comfortably while L & i picked blueberries for her survival kit. Did i mention we gathered 3 lbs of blueberries for Bear?


i think i need to make myself a lemon blueberry pound cake.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wii Bowling? Not.

Sorry for being M.I.A this week. Our closest friends (okay, bffs) were in town & we've been busy. L has been fishing while Evie & I were Seriously, I'm not even sure why I haven't gained a lb with all of that deliciousness going into my belly. But that's a story for another time.

Our night life scene here is very limited, and now that we're a little older (& with a baby), going out drinking doesn't cut it anymore. So, we went bowling. It's been so long since I've actually bowled. Apparently wii bowling is not the same as actually bowling. We played 2 rounds & occupied 2 lanes. We were competitive. & I did listen to my friend who happened to be on the other very competitive team (thanks for the tips Arica!). Evie had tons of fun watching us as we screamed, pouted, & jumped around. Around 11:15 pm as we were finishing up our games and getting ready to leave, the cool kids came out. Apparently, laser bowling is IN now.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Week's Rewind (according to my iPhone)...

It's going to be a hot one today. So, Evie & I will be staying inside where it's cool to our skin while L is out fishing with his buddy.

Here's a rewind of what happen this week in our life:

Burgers & milkshake. Tacos & burritos. And a whole lot of naps.

Enjoy your weekend!

**Sorry for the blurry pictures. I'm trying to get the hang of this. :)